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Nematodes on the Canadian Prairies that Farmers & Industry Should Know to Protect Yields & Markets
Nematodes on the Canadian Prairies that Farmers and Industry Should Know to Protect Yields
Webinar: Nematodes on the Canadian Prairies with Dr. Mario Tenuta
Nematodes on the Canadian Prairies with Mario Tenuta
Pulse Agronomy Webinar: Nematodes and Pulse Crops in the Canadian Prairies
CTC18 David Montgomery, with David Brandt
About nematodes on your farm, from risk analysis to practical solutions-– Jan Salomons (NL)
Nematodes can be controlled.
RealAg LIVE with Dr. Mario Tenuta on carbon sequestration, soil pests and 4R's
Soybean School: On the lookout for soybean cyst nematode in Western Canada
NICOLE MASTERS Nov 12th "Turning on the biological soil-gut system" Presentation
Blackleg and Verticillium Stripe management Full Webinar